Academic Departments
Our nine departments are the academic homes for our faculty, staff, and students.
Departments curate opportunities and support for students, faculty, and staff, and advance research, teaching, and extension activities within the college.

Engineering, science, business, and technical management of biological and agricultural systems.

An interdisciplinary focus on ag education and the societal and community context of the agricultural sciences.

Teaching, research, and extension programs in animal agriculture and the food system.

Sustainable management of natural resources focusing on applications in fisheries, wildlife, soils, forestry, water, and agriculture.

Interdisciplinary life science centered around insects as they relate to human health, quality of life, and the sustainability of our food system and ecosystems.

The core disciplines of food chemistry, food microbiology, and food engineering and processing with additional opportunities for nutrition education studies.

Plant pathology, mushroom science, and environmental microbiology and the management of diseases and other threats impacting agricultural and natural ecosystems, food supply, and human and environmental health.

Research, education, and outreach regarding plants for managed ecosystems, food and fiber production, and landscapes and environmental quality to enhance human environments.

Research, teaching, and outreach in biomedical sciences and veterinary medicine.